completely insane. i'm not even overexaggerating here when i say it's affecting my school work because i'm pretty damn sure i'm not the only one struggling to make a grade knowing there's soooo much more to read about vampires. i'm hooked.
and to think i used to knock the series when i first heard about it months ago. i thought the series was just gonna be a lame adult version of Harry Potter meets Buffy kind of love story. but damn, i was so wrong cause it's probably just like all of what i was thinking and all of what i didn't think of... all on crack and then some. (whoa, did you get that?) my imagination's killin' me right now. now i know why the Border's guy told me folks usually finish the series in less than a month. this shit IS addicting. and i think i'm addicted now.
and it doesn't help that my imagination just won't stop. especially since now i'm done with Twilight and i'm onto New Moon, my mind's takin' off and it's on it's own. it won't lemme concentrate on writing any of my articles, final papers, or anything. all i wanna do is grab a damn copy, watch the movie all over again, and talk to Val & Bianca about vampires. i feel so nerdy, it almost hurts. but i'm also proud at the same time. i never knew i could be so much into a fictional book at this age. i haven't been this into reading about fictional characters since i was a kid. i haven't read a book this intriguing or interesting in so long. mad kudos to the writer cause homegirl definitely knows how to catch a reader's attention and keep it. with the words she uses, the way she describes every little action each character makes, and the way she portrays each event... leaves the reader wishing things like this would happen in real life.
but too bad it DOESN'T! ugh, what a tease. but a real good one though, haha.
alright, so i'm thinking i'm pretty much in trouble when i get into the second book cause if i'm already feeling this preoccupied and anxious after the first one, just imagine me after the second. i'll probably have no friends and horrible grades cause i'll be occupying my days reading in my room alone.
oh well, i'm too cool anyway.

again, damn you Edward Cullen.
**EDIT// [12:02a]
i'm probably gonna regret writing that shit up there later. i'm a little embarrassed by my rant of subtle obsession.