Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Daily routine


welcome to my world. i write. i right. i write. and right.

it just doesn't stop. i'm in a constant feed of words. it's all i can think about. it's all i do. i eat, breathe, sleep, and write. and if there's a moment i'm not writing, i'm reading. if i'm not reading, i'm talking to a source who will help me start writing. i'm constantly in the action of writing something, anything. which has constantly left me with ripped pages all over my room, overused pens, and a tough semester.

but this is what i wanted right? to be a writer.

what i've noticed is that my love for writing hasn't diminished. though i thought when i changed my major to journalism, i'd hate it. but i don't. if anything, it's given me a greater appreciation for folks who write for a living. whether it'd be creatively or critically, i respect the words that come from journalists and artists more now.

however, i feel i'm getting to the point where i want to move forward with what i write about. lately, i've been getting frustrated with the material i have to write in class. it's as if i can't fully grasp the subject i've been given. as if i can't input my own spin to it. that i'm left just writing to write to get by which leaves my words bland... lacking that energy and enthusiasm a writer should always carry in any story. so as of late, i've been lacking some real identity in my work. which in turn, makes me not want to read over what i just wrote.

although, i'm realizing as i'm deterring away from the topics i have to write for in class, i'm moving closer and closer towards different issues, topics, & news i am truly passionate about outside of class. it's got me going in different ways. my minds constantly feeding words onto pages off the record. so much so that when i get home from class, i write about things irrelevant and find myself in a state where i can't stop writing. which is definitely the complete opposite when i'm in class. my mind hits a brick wall. i just can't seem to find a medium between the two.

i need inspiration on both sides of my writing. on and off the record.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tina Fey for "Vice-President?"

so last week during my Media Studies seminar, the kids in my class broke out into discussion about the upcoming elections and its candidates. while there were some intellectual opinions and heated debates going on, there was one statement by the guy in the back of the class that hit me the most. he said:

"Hey! Sarah Palin kind of looks like Tina Fey!"

and... apparently, SNL seems to think the same.
