Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Home - free write

In class today I started writing a piece about my definition of what I believe defined what "home" means for me. Originally inspired after listening to Adele's "Hometown Glory" walking to class. Listening to her lyrics more carefully I realized her lyrics struck memory of a past conversation I had with a friend about the mindful concept of what "home" is.

In the conversation we spoke about how the notion of "home" doesn't always necessarily resemble something physical or literal like a state we've lived in, a city we grew up in, or a roof over our heads. We came to a conclusion that a "home" could be established anywhere at any time. It's our state of mind, a form of our being; essentially a period in our life where we've endured the most growth. Not necessarily the place we've found the most comfort or the most company in, but rather a place in our mind, in our being where we've taken the time to recognize ourselves, challenge our being, channel our thoughts emotionally, physically, and freely in act of embracing growth as an individual.

This concept struck a nerve considering at one point in my life I was forced to move 4-5 times within four months. From city to city, I packed up all my belongings, shared rooms, slept on couches, and tried to piece together what "home" I had for the time being. Through that period of moving houses, I never once truly considered any of the houses I lived in as my true home. Primarily because I was in constant movement, I was in constant distress. I never took the time to fully indulge myself into the different cities I lived in. I never took the time to interact with my surroundings. I didn't have time to nor did I ever allow myself to. I never grew. I just simply forced myself to be "home" physically, while my mind was still in the Bay Area.

But now it being almost my 5th year in the city, I feel like I can officially call this place my home. Just like SJ, I've gone through moments in my life here that have changed me as a person. I've allowed myself to embrace the challenges and situations I've been confronted with and appreciate what the city has continued to offer me. All the interactions I've had with people, all the mishaps I've been through, all the exploring, soul searching, (cliche deep shit) I've been through in this city has only reassured me that this place has become my home. Right now this is one of the only other cities that has allowed me to take time to find myself and grow into the being I am today without any hesitation or worry.

Point is we all have a home somewhere. It just takes some of us awhile longer to discover it and identify with it.

So I pretty much started writing about that in class today, which I now realize kind of turned into a homage to San Francisco, haha. But I have yet to finish it. Maybe tonight after this essay, I'll probably pick it back up and complete it.

Until then, I'll leaving ya'll hanging.

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