Monday, January 5, 2009

Tweet, tweet.

as a journalism student in a Media Studies department, my professors are always egging us onto try new and different media sources (online specifically) to better enhance our skills for the real world. considering that now, newspapers are declining and everyone owns a blog nowadays, it's difficult to get a job or even be the first person to leak out juicy news. with that in mind, my Media Studies and journalism professors keep introducing us these new technologies and networking sites that are supposed to put us "ahead of the game" for a job. so during fall semester of last year, i took this special topics class called, "Intro to New Media" that was pretty much an experimental class made to explore internet's evolution in networking, streaming, blogging, and media altogther. i took it with a professor who was very much interested in the internet world and its enhancements. we learned studied about the effects of the media world today in collaboration with the world wide web and looked into specific sites such as Digg, which was a bookmarking/networking site (much like an interactive RSS feed), Current tv, a do-it-yourself video posting/channel site, and, a site i just recently joined.

Twitter is basically another networking site that allows you in on what your friends are doing when they're on or off the internet. it's that in-between time kind of update. as Baleria says, "it's like indirectly talking to someone" and updating them about what you're up to. in more simplier terms, it's just like a facebook status update, but having only that and no wall posts and picture tagging. that's pretty much the gist of it.

all my professors are using it. my journalism professor who's probably in his mid 50's loves it. he considers this a good networking site for journalists but we'll see.

join now and be my friend! haha

p.s. i promise to update about LA soon. i just gotta get back to the city to get my usb chord!

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