(Doesn't she look like she's smiling?!)
When my bro came home from work on Wednesday, he spontaneously brought home this 3-year old "corgimo" (a mix breed of corgi & eskimo). Cute eh? She's such an attention whore and such a huge diva though, haha. All the qualities I've never witnessed in my past pets. Most of them were pretty chill and independent. But this one? She is HELLA hyper. When I mean "hyper" I mean bouncing-off-the-walls-barking-like-crazy-chasing-her-own-tail-type-of-hyper. She barely sits still.
And if this dog knows you're not looking at her she'll do something so that you'll notice her. Last night I found her chewing on the couch just cause I was too busy reading "Eat Pray Love." She began growling once I dropped her tennis ball and picked up my book. I assume if it deters away from playing with her, she goes on a rage. So you can probably see how irritated I was when I first met her. I cherish my solitude, which is exactly what this dog hates. She hates being alone. It's only been two days and I've realized quickly that this dog can't eat, drink or sleep without someone next to her. When I'm in the bathroom she cries as if I'm never gonna come out. All this aforementioned behavior makes me believe that it probably stems from her previous owner who may have neglected her from time to time? I really don't know. Whatever the case is though Mikka's clingy.
However, I kinda don't mind that she is. Her clinginess has been keeping me balanced... to an extent. She never leaves my side and she always keeps me entertained. In addition, she's like my alarm clock, haha. Mikka makes sure I'm always awake at 8am every morning and makes it a habit that I jog with her twice a day. So if anything this dog is not only a pain in the ass, but she's serving to be a good influence on my health, haha. See? Balance.

I'm so attached already!
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