Saturday, January 23, 2010

Current annoyances:

1. Post-grad life. Knew this feeling would come... transitioning is a btch ya'll. This whole "I'm trying to find myself" mantra runs through my head every day. Everyday I'm plagued with this thought every time I wake up. And it doesn't help that my days seem long as shit. Job searching is depressing. My dream of writing for a living seems so out of reach right now. I, thank the economy for being so discouraging (and picky).

2. Change. Change in my relationships with people, change in my location, change in my lifestyle, change in my emotions, change in my mood, and change in my pocket. All this is changing and I can't help it. I don't deal with the inevitable well.

3. No more loose-leaf tea. I need to buy more oolong on 6th. But I'm broke.

4. $$$. When is this never annoying? I just got myself a new credit card. I'm too scared to activate it though.

5. Muni Pass. Why you gotta be $70 a month?! I've been stuck chillin' in the Inner Richmond area cause my ass doesn't wanna pay $2 every time I ride the bus. I've been walking everywhere. I miss taking adventures around the city.

6. Him. You know who you are. I miss you, homie. I miss the knowledge, inspiration, humor and good conversation you'd bring me. I miss you being around. Where'd you go?

7. Writer's block. I'm starting to realize my choice of turning my passion into my career has become risky. More now than ever. I'm starting to realize the way I articulate my thoughts on paper hinder the way I write because I'm self-conscious. I think too much. I think too much about what I write. Before I declared "journalism" as part of my major, writing never felt this way. I never felt suffocated when I wrote. I always felt the opposite. Now my mind doesn't flow as freely anymore. Every thought I try to say never comes out the way I want it to. It's as if lately I've allowed my craft to be defined by what others. My words have been made to please my audiences instead of pleasing myself. I'm writing what they wanna hear not what I wanna say. That honest and free-flowing tone in my voice has lost it's authenticity because I've lost my ability to write for myself first. Which is why I feel I have writer's block more nowadays. Writing hasn't been that "release" for me lately. It's lost it's appeal. And I need to get it back.

8. The bi-polar weather. It's raining when I wake up then when I step outside it's sunny. Here I'm only wearing my 12FT crewneck with moccasins on. I left my umbrella at home thinking it'll stay sunny. When I make it to coffee shop the rain reappears again and this time Mother Nature brought along thunder. I'm stuck at the coffee shop with no water-proof weapons to fight back with. I have someone pick me up from the shop and when I get home it's sunny again. Wtf, bi-polar weather. You've fckd with both my head and emotions lately. Stop that.

9. My un-updated iTunes. The latest thing I added was Corinne Bailey Rae's new album: The Sea. But I've been meaning to add more to it. Any suggestions?

10. Conan. He is still a man who I consider my BFF. Now I feel like we can't hang out anymore at 11:30pm because NBC, you fckd up.

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