Tuesday, January 22, 2008

In the middle of a crowd.

Please tell me why as I get older it gets harder for me to find people to trust?

I'm coming to the point in my life where I'm learning who I truly need in my life and who truly matter in it. As if I've narrowed a million down to a handful only to hope those handful will stay with me forever. However, lately I've been stuck feeling lonely though. I guess maybe through all the chaos I've been going through I still don't know how to let people in when times get rough. Making that few handful I trust with my heart the few who can never really distinguish when I'm truly smiling or just hiding behind one.

"Let's make a list of who we need.
But it's not much if anything.
And we'll throw it away because we don't need anyone."

As you can tell, life's got me in a whirlwind right now. So much so, I've become anti-social because of it. And to think of it I'm only going to be more distant as the days go by. So don't be offended. Blame school, blame $, & I blame him. The relief to all this madness is to stay busy right?

Plus everyone keeps telling me to focus on myself for once and I think I'm actually going to. It's about time I take care of myself & let go. I need to let go. I need to get over him completely, find myself a career path finally, & eat more than I can chew. But most importantly, I need to breathe. For too long I've been suffocating from all this stress, I've lost my true purpose in all that I love to do. I feel like I've become too dependent on others for happiness lately that I've lost my own. So I'm gonna use this semester to not party or create a ruckus with ya'll, I'm gonna use this semester to find myself. To be me again... before I met anyone to begin with.

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