after two years of listening through uncomfortable generic iPod earpieces, i feel i need to move onto bigger and better sources of earful nourishment. i need me some (skullcandy) headphones. or something like these. i need an upgrade, yo.
and have just been keeping in touch with folks through my laptop. i'm starting to miss folks in 3D. i blame it on finals. just one more day though!!! and i'm free to hug everyone :)
i have never been so happy to hear silence in my entire life till today. it feels so good right now to be chillin' in my apartment doing absolutely nothing. to be lazy, to be carefree, to feel like i have no worries in the world, my mind and body is at rest for once. i feel at peace... i'm happy.
so i guess you can say that today's my recovery day from this past week's hell rush. just thinking about what i went through this past week just makes my left eye twitch. it was that baaaaaaad. okay, try writing a 20 page paper in one night while simultaneously trying to read New Moon for fun? yeah, not a good idea. on top of that, going back and forth to SoMA to interview people and to take pictures. then to 3-4 different books stores just for a book that isn't even required for class, but is just for my amusement? yeah, this week was intense. i'm definitely happy it's over. although, next week's a different story. (wish me luck).
so back to today...
i woke up exhausted. while i was still in bed, i called my boss and told her i was "sick again." i made sure i called her right when i woke up so my voice was still a little rusty. and hey, she bought it. although, i felt cruel doing that... i felt like it was good for me. because aside from the story interview i had at noon, i got to rest well. the 3 hour nap was worth it since i find myself not looking like such a pale "vampire" anymore. no offense to those real vampires out there though, i just don't look good in pale like Edward Cullen does. (yeah i said it!)
okay lemme focus again...
like i was saying, today has been fucking lazy. my roomie and i went to Starbucks today after watching the Warriors game and got ourselves some yummy hot chocolate in red cups. then we went to Walgreens to buy some junk food. after, we found ourselves watching holiday movies, one being Elf. i swear, if i could have two famous best friends in the world it'd be #1: Conan O'Brien and then my #2: Will Ferrel. seriously. so yeah obviously, the movie got us into the holiday mood cause i really wanna buy a hideous christmas sweater right now. you know, the one's that your grandma or crazy aunt would wear with the huge tree on the front knitted on top of the 3D bell hanging from her left shoulder. yeah, that one. i want one.
cool huh? okay, i really should get back to my book right now. (plus, this post seems super ADD) i figure since i've already ditched a party, ignored several phone calls, and now have just blogged tonight... i feel i deserve some time with my book now. so don't bother me or else i'll get angry and go vampire on you.
I live in a universe where cycles, cyphers, mixtapes, and tea are in constant rotation. I live in a world where my love for language channels through fine pen on paper. And I live in a mindfield of dreams in parallel to this reality.